Teeth Straightening York | Adult Braces | Blossom Cosmetic Clinic
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Adult braces can:

  • Reduce gum disease and dental decay
  • Facilitate restorative dentistry treatments
  • Reduce the need for further cosmetic dental treatment
  • Improve your overall oral health
  • Give you a beautiful smart and boost your self-esteem

Types of Braces

  • We have helped over 500 patients feel happier and more comfortable with their smiles. We are a diamond-certified provider which places in the top 1% of Invisalign providers in the UK. The treatment is tailored around the individual so that we can focus on your specific orthodontic concerns. You’ll view your patient journey digitally first and get a preview of your end results before the treatment starts. Then we’ll make the custom aligner trays that will shift your teeth from their original position to a new, more attractive position.

    Clear Braces York | Invisalign at Blossom Cosmetic Clinic

  • Used for complex cases of tooth straightening, our fixed brace system can take on trickier tooth movements and fix a wider range of orthodontic issues. They consist of translucent brackets, bonded to the patient’s tooth surfaces, with a wire running through them. This wire is self-ligating, rather than being tied to the tooth bracket. This means less friction and pressure, as well as enhanced comfort for the wearer. Due to the technology these braces use, fewer visits to the dental practice will be required during the treatment period.


  • We understand that good oral health starts at a young age so we encourage children to visit our practice from infancy to help make the best start on their dental health journey.


  • If you’ve noticed that your child’s teeth look obviously overcrowded, out of alignment, or have large spaces in between them, we can perform gentle treatments that may eliminate the need for braces in the future. If we think your child may benefit from some orthodontics, we’ll let you know during a check-up. Certain treatments are very effective in growing jaws.

  • With aligner trays your teen will be given a number of trays with varying functions during the treatment period, to ensure their teeth progress on their movement journey into a more attractive position. If they have fixed braces, they’ll have brackets bonded to the front surface of their teeth, with a wire running through them that will be periodically tightened. We’ll explain both options to you and your teen when you visit us for a consultation.

  • Fixed braces are very versatile. They can correct underbites, open-bites, disproportionate jaws, protruding teeth, tooth crowding, and damage caused by thumb sucking.

  • We offer discreet fixed braces with translucent brackets, and it’s important to bear in mind that fixed braces will be in place for a relatively short period of time. The issue they can resolve will combat jaw discomfort, as well as give your child a more attractive smile, for the rest of their lives.

  • Treatment times vary according to the orthodontic issues that are being addressed. We’ll be able to give you more details about how long your child will need to wear the braces when we assess your child’s teeth.

“When we moved to the area, we were so lucky to have found our dentist James at Blossom. Beyond the excellent dental care he has provided us, his natural and friendly chairside manner makes us feel at ease on every visit. I now feel I have a perfect smile and can certainly say it was value for money. Thanks so much to everyone at the practice!”

Get in Touch

Arrange a consultation for adult braces with us today.



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